On 24. maj 2023. 03:10:59 UTC,

Changed the source URL of Data Balikapan from to
Changed value of field
to{'job_count': 200, 'last_job': {'id': '99e7853c-6c5a-4516-b5d5-18aab68aba87', 'created': '2023-05-23 20:45:03.037887', 'gather_started': '2023-05-23 20:45:09.669997', 'gather_finished': '2023-05-23 20:45:11.654340', 'finished': '2023-05-23 20:45:26.840886', 'source_id': '8c1745c1-a00d-4f4a-811b-b560381dcdb3', 'status': 'Finished', 'stats': {'added': 0, 'updated': 0, 'not modified': 212, 'errored': 20, 'deleted': 0}, 'object_error_summary': [{'message': "Invalid package with GUID 284684bb-466d-4cd7-b162-a5f4e611cc53: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 42003837-3049-4ee2-93cb-b5f360426bd1: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 4202d29d-b3c6-4368-ab4b-cde0aa517e64: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 447073c4-c2da-4d10-93e3-452f6a90cde9: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 47583df2-b410-47c3-9eee-22970d3815f2: {'author_email': ['Email is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 4bc33f9c-f187-42c6-9eae-1faa07d7861a: {'author_email': ['Email is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 545c92c6-2517-4a6d-8064-063bec6574c3: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 5a6a5e27-06d2-42b3-ba5e-6614f926e211: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 6437e633-ccfd-4829-9d67-513896d97bb9: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 69a52c1a-9617-40ce-96c3-91dd46d7c7c0: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 72137982-a9a5-4262-8219-633e7d83e5f7: {'author_email': ['Email is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 77655c16-9445-4872-9e79-5f76e663ea52: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID 81831067-3a91-47e1-a20a-9b756b26276f: {'author_email': ['Email is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID b2f5fac7-55d4-43eb-8a55-dcb413157d7c: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID b8427b51-d745-4f4b-922e-7d45a7a5882e: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID baaa0013-bddf-4db3-b92c-16057f89f083: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID bcbb331b-e3f0-4b41-b9be-6c3e56053c95: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID c9053cb6-1136-4c8d-bee3-23ea05c1d84f: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID e43a7710-3b60-4bc7-8de0-1f1946be4250: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}, {'message': "Invalid package with GUID f3b4eb94-4c66-40cb-a542-cd8b618a4ab2: {'maintainer_email': ['Email DISKOMINFO KOTA BALIKPAPAN is not a valid format']}", 'error_count': 1}], 'gather_error_summary': []}, 'total_datasets': 220}
in Data Balikapan