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On 20 Juli 2022 02.25.23 UTC, bidstatistik bidstatistik:
  • Changed value of field frequency to DAILY in Geo Portal Kabupaten Berau

  • Changed value of field status to {'job_count': 1, 'last_job': {'id': '3c637884-2749-4be4-b520-fa0c169a0af7', 'created': '2022-04-11 05:44:45.611925', 'gather_started': '2022-04-11 05:44:45.656813', 'gather_finished': '2022-04-11 05:45:05.439480', 'finished': '2022-04-11 05:50:26.786080', 'source_id': 'e9305d38-fc54-46ab-bf9b-08b8cd377b63', 'status': 'Finished', 'stats': {'added': 78, 'updated': 0, 'not modified': 0, 'errored': 78, 'deleted': 0}, 'object_error_summary': [{'message': 'Dataset schema (gmx.xsd) Validation Error', 'error_count': 71}, {'message': "Element '{}name': This element is not expected. Expected is ( {}title ).", 'error_count': 43}, {'message': "Element '{}includedWithDataset': This element is not expected. Expected is one of ( {}AbstractMD_ContentInformation, {}MD_FeatureCatalogueDescription, {}MD_CoverageDescription, {}MD_ImageDescription ).", 'error_count': 41}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '90,000000000000000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 22}, {'message': "Error parsing bounding box value: could not convert string to float: '-180,000000000000000'", 'error_count': 22}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '-180,000000000000000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 22}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '-90,000000000000000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 22}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '180,000000000000000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 22}, {'message': "Element '{}MD_Metadata': Missing child element(s). Expected is one of ( {}fileIdentifier, {}language, {}characterSet, {}parentIdentifier, {}hierarchyLevel, {}hierarchyLevelName, {}contact ).", 'error_count': 7}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '2,606555773830000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 5}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '118,989120301960000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 5}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '1,003857104921560' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 5}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '116,174857061704000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 5}, {'message': "Error parsing bounding box value: could not convert string to float: '116,174857061704000'", 'error_count': 5}, {'message': "Error contacting the CSW server: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)", 'error_count': 4}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '0,985715865839739' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 2}, {'message': "Element '{}MD_TopicCategoryCode': [facet 'enumeration'] The value 'REFERENSI SPASIAL' is not an element of the set {'farming', 'biota', 'boundaries', 'climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere', 'economy', 'elevation', 'environment', 'geoscientificInformation', 'health', 'imageryBaseMapsEarthCover', 'intelligenceMilitary', 'inlandWaters', 'location', 'oceans', 'planningCadastre', 'society', 'structure', 'transportation', 'utilitiesCommunication'}.", 'error_count': 2}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '2,569025039980630' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 2}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '116,275897135103000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 2}, {'message': "Element '{}Decimal': '118,953249652666000' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:decimal'.", 'error_count': 2}], 'gather_error_summary': []}, 'total_datasets': 78} in Geo Portal Kabupaten Berau