Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Opis
Kabupaten/Kota Regency/Municipality text
Sekolah Schools text
Murid Pupils text
Guru Teachers text
Rata-rata Tiap Sekolah Average of Schools text
Rasio Murid Terhadap Guru -Ratio of Pupils to Teachers text

Dodаtne informаcije

Polje Vrijednost
Data last updated 10. srpnja 2021.
Metadata last updated 10. srpnja 2021.
Kreirаno 10. srpnja 2021.
Formаt XLS
Licencа Creative Commons Non-Commercial (Any)
Datastore activeTrue
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Package id6233a40d-904b-447f-8de5-9284a7a812ba
Size29,5 KiB
Url typeupload