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On 16 October 2023 at 3:26:02 pm UTC, bidstatistik bidstatistik:
  • Changed value of field frequency to DAILY in satu data samarinda

  • Changed value of field status to {'job_count': 11, 'last_job': {'id': '2592cbbe-0c8c-4c2d-9bac-064fe49fcaa3', 'created': '2023-10-16 15:13:43.307197', 'gather_started': '2023-10-16 15:19:09.016386', 'gather_finished': '2023-10-16 15:19:09.347875', 'finished': None, 'source_id': '998b7f6e-9c15-4ff0-a9cf-79ace2a5c5cf', 'status': 'Running', 'stats': {'added': 7, 'updated': 0, 'not modified': 0, 'errored': 2, 'deleted': 0}, 'object_error_summary': [{'message': 'Invalid package with GUID c800965c-1e31-11ee-9f0b-1866dab29db8: {\'extras_validation\': [\'Duplicate key "Definisi"\']}', 'error_count': 1}, {'message': 'Invalid package with GUID f2628406-6c14-11ee-a042-1866dab29db8: {\'extras_validation\': [\'Duplicate key "Definisi"\']}', 'error_count': 1}], 'gather_error_summary': []}, 'total_datasets': 7} in satu data samarinda