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A 27 de setembre de 2023 a les 3:37:47 UTC, bidstatistik bidstatistik:
  • Changed value of field source_type to ckan in Berau CKAN Server

  • Changed value of field status to {'job_count': 2, 'last_job': {'id': '4f76de18-9179-4de5-85fb-b265621a22ad', 'created': '2023-09-27 02:18:02.146640', 'gather_started': None, 'gather_finished': None, 'finished': None, 'source_id': 'bf729488-aedd-4f84-b24d-34c1d78c1afc', 'status': 'Running', 'stats': {'added': 0, 'updated': 0, 'not modified': 0, 'errored': 0, 'deleted': 0}, 'object_error_summary': [], 'gather_error_summary': []}, 'total_datasets': 0} in Berau CKAN Server